Sunday, November 18, 2012


"Shopping is an activity in which a customer browses the available goods or services presented by one or more retailers with the intent to purchase a suitable selection of them. In some contexts it may be considered a leisure activity as well as an economic one." Wikepedia

Shopping? Oh, I so love the word... If only I have the CASH, I would really buy all the things I want! YES! ALL! :D But, there's a BIG BUT! (LOL) Sometimes, we need to discipline ourselves to buy those things we need and want.

Here are the things on how to shop WISELY:

1st!          LOOK for those SALE items. 

Shopping? Oh, I so love the word... If only I have the CASH, I would really buy all the things I want! YES! ALL! :D But, there's a BIG BUT! (LOL) Sometimes, we need to discipline ourselves to buy those things we need and want.

Here are the things on how to shop WISELY:

1st!          LOOK for those SALE items. 

2nd!         DO NOT buy a thing when it's not needed.

3rd!          GO TO SLEEP! 

That's ALL! :) LOL! <3

Photo (c) : Google

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